Responding, Supporting and Leading

National Drama is the UK’s leading subject association. It welcomes all drama teachers, trainees and theatre practitioners who are actively engaged in the process of learning through, and about, drama and theatre education.
At the centre of National Drama’s work is the determination to provide members with a coherent and evolvable framework of professional development opportunities; primary, secondary, theatre and HE. Our elected officers work tirelessly to meet and represent the wide-ranging needs of the membership. They will always respond to reasonable queries, suggestions and advice. National Drama is your professional association, offering subject-specific debate, information on new developments, advocacy strategies for curriculum and theatre development and leadership when you need it most. National Drama believes that children and young people are entitled to a relevant curriculum that is taught by teachers who have experienced drama training. To this end, we advocate that drama should be a Foundation Subject with the same status as other arts. We also recognise the potential of professional theatre in enhancing and extending the curriculum and therefore propose that every child and young person should have a live theatre experience annually.
National Drama has a significant reputation both nationally and internationally. Nationally, we are influential members of the Cultural Learning Alliance (CLA), the Council for Subject Associations (CfSA), the Drama and Theatre Education Alliance (DTEA) and the UK Alliance for Arts Education (UKAAE). Internationally, we were founding members of the International Drama/Theatre and Education Association (IDEA).
Our members have the benefits of international perspectives, new insights into drama and theatre practice and unique opportunities to international academic research. This is made possible through regular features on this website, our monthly Newsletter, Behind the Curtain, Drama our bi-annual Magazine and our international, peer-reviewed e.journal, which attracts contributions from across the Globe.
National Drama is, above all else, welcoming and inclusive.
Geoff Readman
Chair of National Drama
National Drama is a charity, registration number 1173215.