Advertising in Drama – ND magazine of professional practice - NATIONAL DRAMA

Advertising in Drama – ND magazine of professional practice

Circulation and Readership:
Drama‘s national readership includes teachers, advisers and inspectors for Drama and English, teacher educators, theatre workers and drama consultants. Published twice a year the journal has a long issue-life and is a much-used and respected reference source.

Rates for full colour advertising:
Per Issue

Sizes and Rates (all sizes include a 3mm bleed):

Full Page – portrait   180mm x 264mm £200

Half page – landscape  180mm x 129mm £150

Inside back cover – portrait 210mm x 297mm £250

Outside back cover – portrait   210mm x 297mm £300

Per 2 Issues

Sizes and Rates (all sizes include a 3mm bleed):

Full Page – portrait 180mm x 264mm   £375

Half page – landscape 180mm x 129mm £275
Inside back cover – portrait  210mm x 297mm £450

Outside back cover – portrait   210mm x 297mm £500

Rates for inclusion in more issues are negotiable.

Please contact

National Drama

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