Drama for Oracy - NATIONAL DRAMA

Drama for Oracy

This course, led by Patrice Baldwin, will show how dramatic play and Drama are important components in developing oracy in young children

This course, led by Patrice Baldwin, will explain how Drama can be used with whole classes to enable and support the development of oracy in the primary school.


Drama can be used intentionally, to develop children’s oracy skills. This online course explains how Drama Strategies can be set up as ‘Talk Frames’ and used in any subject lesson, as well as during ‘whole-class drama’ lessons. Patrice will explain how different ‘drama’ strategies employ different configurations, groupings and protocols, and how each offers different opportunities for children to talk, in various ways, for a range of purposes and audiences. Teachers will also learn how some drama strategies can be sequenced, to ensure and maintain an oracy focus.

Teachers will be guided step by step through a drama lesson, with some oracy opportunities suggested and explained at each stage.


  • A Drama Contract
  • A Drama Strategies booklet
  • A copy of the Powerpoint (as a PDF)
  • A KS1 lesson plan
  • A KS2 lesson plan
  • A published article about ‘Drama for Oracy’.

COST: £25 for 1 teacher to attend 1 session; £15 for each additional teacher to attend this session.


Patrice Baldwin is Chair of the Council for Subject Associations and a Higher-Level Action Learning Facilitator. She was a primary headteacher, School Improvement Officer, Arts Education Adviser and an Ofsted inspector. She was also Sir Jim Rose’s Drama Editorial Expert for his proposed primary national curriculum and led on Primary Drama for the Oak National Academy.

Patrice has given keynotes and workshops in 35+ countries. She was President of the International Drama Theatre and Education Association (2010-13) and Chair of National Drama for more than a decade, (until 2015). She created and directed ‘Drama for Learning and Creativity’ (D4LC), an internationally acclaimed school improvement initiative and was a BBC Education scriptwriter and Drama series consultant for Radio and TV. Patrice and Pie Corbett developed ‘Drama and Talk for Writing’ together for several years through their termly conferences.

Patrice has written several books, some of which have been translated into various languages Her next book will be published by Routledge in Spring 2024: 40+ Drama Strategies to Deepen Whole Class Learning; A handbook for ALL teachers.

Email: patrice@patricebaldwin.com Website: www.patricebaldwin.net

‘Patrice Baldwin is a rarity. She is one of the few primary drama experts left in this country and quite possibly the most experienced and effective drama primary teacher. Teachers on her courses, come away feeling more confident and with a broader repertoire. Her work is excellent!’ 

Pie Corbett

Absolutely brilliant! Patrice’s course opened doors for colleagues which they would not have believed possible. In everything she does, she walks delegates through the materials, and discusses the impact this has on children’s learning. She uses drama conventions to create opportunities for pupils to secure their learning in new and deeper ways. 

Mary Myatt

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07 Feb 2024


£15 - £25


4:00 pm - 5:30 pm


National Drama


National Drama
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