Using Drama against Bullying
Drama provides fictional contexts and active learning strategies, that can enable teachers to explore real issues with children, in a safely distanced way. Using two different poems, Patrice will explain how teachers might use drama, to enable children to consider together, the issue of bullying. The drama will explore thoughts, feelings and possible actions that could make a positive difference in the drama and in their own lives.
- Learn the importance of negotiating a drama contract and how to do this;
- Learn basic Forum Theatre techniques, that can be used to explore real social issues
- Learn about the drama strategies used in the exemplar lessons
- Be talked through a lesson ‘step by step’, that will help children to consider together, when and how to take positive action against bullying:
Patrice will share her ideas, Drama Contract, drama strategies booklet, resources, a lesson plan, two poems and will answer participants’ questions
This course is also available for schools to host online during 2020-21
Patrice Baldwin was a primary headteacher, School Improvement and Art Education Adviser and Ofsted inspector. She was Sir Jim Rose’s Drama Editorial Expert for his proposed primary curriculum.
Patrice has given keynotes and led workshops in 35+ countries and was President of the International Drama Theatre and Education Association (2010-13) and Chair of National Drama for more than a decade (until 2015). She created and directed ‘Drama for Learning and Creativity’ (D4LC), an internationally acclaimed school improvement initiative.
Patrice is a published educational author and has been a BBC Education scriptwriter and series consultant (TV and Radio). She now works freelance.
“Patrice Baldwin is a rarity. She is one of the few primary drama experts left in this country and quite possibly the most experienced and effective drama primary teacher. Teachers on her courses, come away feeling more confident and with a broader repertoire. Her work is excellent!“
Pie Corbett
“Absolutely brilliant! Patrice’s course opened doors for colleagues which they would not have believed possible. In everything she does, she walks delegates through the materials, and discusses the impact this has on children’s learning. She uses drama conventions to create opportunities for pupils to secure their learning in new and deeper ways.”
Mary Myatt
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National Drama
- Registered charity 1173215
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