Help shape the future of digital education - NATIONAL DRAMA

Help shape the future of digital education

Calling all teachers - National Drama and C&T need your ideas about the future of technology in the classroom.

How can Drama take advantage of emerging technologies to enrich our discipline, classrooms and student’s lives?

Join National Drama and C&T for a teacher panel – C&T want to hear from you about how technology can be used best in your classrooms.

Over the last year digital technology has taken on a new pivotal role in the daily rhythm of our lives. Now, as we start to look to the future, how can Drama take advantage of these emerging technologies to enrich our discipline, classrooms and student’s lives? We want to hear what you want and need to bring drama and tech together in meaningful ways.

We’re hosting two free teacher panels on 24th May – one primary focused and one secondary focused. Head over to our events page to book a place.

About C&T

C&T has been working with digital technology for over twenty years and its Prospero website has been used extensively by over 2000 schools in the last year alone. C&T is about to launch a new version of Prospero, packed with new features and tools for drama teachers We want to make the new Prospero an essential tool for drama teachers and we want to here what resources, materials and activities schools would find useful. This meeting is about listening to you your needs and finding ways to make Prospero relevant to your classroom practice.

Dr Paul Sutton and Max Dean are from C&T, the creators of Prospero. Together they have over forty years experience of drama and theatre education and digital technology, leading projects in the UK, US, Kenya, Australia, Singapore and many others.

National Drama

National Drama, the UK’s leading professional association for drama teachers and theatre educators, is dedicated to ensuring that all children and young people have the opportunity to learn about and through drama.

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