CPD trainings, discussions and events
The team is now busy creating a schedule of CPD trainings, discussions and events, and wants to hear from you. Tell us what you would like.
Innovate UK announces major investment in Prospero to help schools teach creatively during Covid-19
National Drama is proud to have supported Prospero in this application
You are invited to review any play, drama book, radio play, digitally streamed performance or any Q&As you may have experienced since lockdown began.
So it Goes
So It Goes by On The Run Theatre explores the light and dark sides of grief in a playful and deeply personal show.
Welcome to our new patron
Delighted to announce author Alex Wheattle has joined us as a patron
WAAE conference
The World Alliance for Arts Education, in partnership with IDEA (International Drama and Theatre Education Association), InSEA (International Society for Education in Art), ISME (International Society for Music Education) and WDA (World Dance Alliance) is holding a Conference in Frankfurt from 28 October to 1 November 2019.
Summary of the debate in the House of Lords, Thursday 14 September 2017
The text of the full debate is available word for word in the House of Lords Hansard and the debate can be watched again online (skip to 14:15:38). Conservative …
Reflections on the National Theatre Drama Teachers Conference 2017
For the third year running this welcome highlight of the drama teachers year returned to the National Theatre. This year we were treated to a …
National Drama and London Drama’s Joint Response on Issue of Requirement for Students to Engage with Live Theatre.
The letter published in the Sunday Times 17th April 2016
National Drama’s Letter to Pearson September 2014
Pearson’s response to National Drama