Join National Drama
National Drama is an open and inclusive organisation and we positively welcome as members all those who are interested in drama and theatre in learning contexts whether in the UK or beyond.
As well as specialist and non-specialist drama teachers in schools, our members include drama and teaching students, theatre workers, lecturers, advisers and consultants, inspectors, freelance arts and creative industry workers anywhere in the drama/theatre/education sector, as well as a strong international membership.
Please join us here! National Drama is one forum – many voices

Drama Magazine
Drama is National Drama’s magazine of professional practice, ISSN 0967-4454. Published twice a year, this hard copy, print publication contains a wealth of features and articles for and by drama teachers and theatre educators in many contexts within the UK and overseas.
Content focuses on practical teaching experiences and projects drawn from across educational contexts and includes classroom materials, schemes of work, interviews and reviews of books and other resources.

An innovative international referreed e-journal that provides a forum for practitioners and researchers across the spectrum of drama in educational settings. We encourage, gather and publish research-based articles from established and new writers to promote knowledge, understanding and dialogue about drama in learning contexts.
Published by National Drama – the UK’s leading professional association for drama teachers and theatre educators.